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Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica

versión impresa ISSN 1726-4634


GUERRERO, Rossina. The criminalization of sexual relations between or with adolescents and its impact on the exercise of their sexual and reproductive rights. Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica [online]. 2013, vol.30, n.3, pp.500-505. ISSN 1726-4634.

This article analyzes the impact of the decrete 28704, issued in 2006, on the Peruvian society. This Law states that all sexual relations between the age of 14 and an age younger than 18, whether consented or not, shall be considered rape, thus criminalizing adolescent sexuality and making preventive reproductive health services illegal. This decision was made disregarding the legal frameworks which recognize and protect sexual and reproductive rights, the needs of adolescents regarding sexuality, as well as its impact on public health issues. In 2012, this Law was declared unconstitutional. The enforcement of this sentence shall enable the implementation and improvement of public sexual education policies and the access to quality health care. An effort to create more effective laws to protect adolescents from sexual violence must be made.

Palabras clave : Sexual and reproductive rights; Adolescent; Enacted Statutes, Peru.

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