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vol.15 número3Síndrome de Encefalopatía Posterior Reversible y Embarazo: Reporte de un Caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Horizonte Médico (Lima)

versión impresa ISSN 1727-558X


MIRANDA RUIZ, Octavio  y  GOYES ORTEGA, Ronald. Ectopic abdominal pregnancy: case reportedin Ambato (ECUADOR). Horiz. Med. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.3, pp.74-77. ISSN 1727-558X.

Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is the implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, its incidence has increased in recent decades. The abdominal EP is a rare form, located at the level of the peritoneal cavity outside the uterine cavity. For diagnostic criteria used Studdiford. It has ahigh maternal morbidity and mortality associated. We report the case of a patient 33 years old, married. Prior vaginal delivery and LMP uncertain, with irregular menstrual cycles, progestogen therapy for two months, and menstrual bleeding for 8 days during the last month. Enteres by emergency with signs of hypovolemic shock. Laparatomy was performed and confirmed diagnosis. Fetus and Annexes fetus and extracted with favorable evolution. (Horiz Med 2015; 15(3): 68-73)

Palabras clave : Ectopic abdominal pregnancy; pregnancy.

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