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Acta Médica Peruana

versión On-line ISSN 1728-5917


TAYPE-RONDAN, Alvaro; ALARCON-RUIZ, Christoper A.; ZAFRA-TANAKA, Jessica Hanae  y  ROJAS-VILAR, Feeder J.. Factors associated with wages, workload, and working environment in a group of young general practitioners in Peru. Acta méd. Peru [online]. 2018, vol.35, n.1, pp.6-13. ISSN 1728-5917.

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess factors associated to income, workload, and working environment in a group of young general practitioners in Peru. Materials and methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study performed in general practitioners who attended a meeting in the Peruvian College of Physicians. During this event, a survey was performed aiming to collect the characteristics of their last two jobs. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR, aOR) were calculated, and we assessed the measures of association with the use of mixed effect logistic regression models. Results: We analyzed 332 jobs reported by 221 physicians. Low income (16.00 PEN per hour or less) was less frequent for jobs in the Ministry of Health - MINSA (aOR: 0.38) or in social security - EsSalud (aOR: 0.09) compared with the private sector, and this low income was more frequent in women (aOR: 1.94), as well as in those who worked on patient care (aOR: 4.31). A higher workload was more frequently reported in those =30 years of age (aOR: 2.72), and for those working for MINSA (aOR: 3.13) or EsSalud (aOR: 7.98) compared to the private sector. Reporting an inadequate work environment did not show associated factors. Conclusions: Physicians who work for a private employer, female physicians, and those working in patient care reported lower income in their jobs. Older physicians and those who worked for the Ministry of Health or EsSalud reported they had a higher work load. Reporting a job with an inadequate work environment did not have associated factors

Palabras clave : Economics; Salaries; Employment; Health manpower; Occupational Health.

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