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Acta Médica Peruana

On-line version ISSN 1728-5917


CONTRERAS, Pavel J. et al. Perception of Afro-Peruvians on primary healthcare in the first level of attention. Acta méd. Peru [online]. 2024, vol.41, n.2, pp.112-121.  Epub Aug 27, 2024. ISSN 1728-5917.


To describe perception of compliance with primary healthcare requisites in Afro-Peruvian population during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials and Methods:

This is an observational and cross-sectional study, which was performed in six Peruvian cities, which included adult Afro-Peruvian subjects who were selected using intentional sampling. An online survey was administered, using the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), which was harmonized for an Ibero-American context, assessing attributes of primary care, such as service accessibility, continuing care, community participation, and cultural suitability; and these characteristics were assessed using a descriptive analysis. Additionally, related factors, such as sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were assessed using hypothesis tests.


Most interviewed persons perceived compliance limitations with primary healthcare attributes (94.8%). Particularly, community participation and continued care were troublesome areas, reaching 92.3% and 92.1%, respectively. No significant correlation was found between compliance perception for primary healthcare and sociodemographic and clinical factors, with the exception of a history of having had COVID-19, in which less compliance with attributes of primary healthcare were also observed. Global reliability of PCAT was 0.93 using Cronbach alpha test.


There is a generally low perception of primary healthcare services in Afro-Peruvian population. Further investigation is required for exploring the underlying causes for such perception, and efforts must be made for improving compliance with primary healthcare attributes that are perceived as insufficient, particularly accessibility and continued care.

Keywords : Primary Health Care; Perception; Health Services.

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