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Acta Médica Peruana

On-line version ISSN 1728-5917


YAN-QUIROZ, Edgar Fermín; AGREDA-CASTRO, Folker Mijaíl; TENAZOA-VILLALOBOS, José Richard  and  LOAYZA-SILVA, Carmen Carolina. Synchronous papillary and medullary thyroid carcinoma: about a case. Acta méd. Peru [online]. 2024, vol.41, n.2, pp.122-126.  Epub Aug 27, 2024. ISSN 1728-5917.

The synchronous existence of papillary and medullary carcinoma is infrequent, and they can have a discrete or mixed presentation. About its pathogenesis, it is not entirely clear, however, various theories have currently been proposed where genetic mutations and local and environmental factors involved in its appearance are involved. According to their histological characteristics, these are highly variable, presenting different structural patterns. The therapeutic approach differs in both histopathological types, so it is important to know about the synchronous existence of these tumors.

Keywords : Thyroid Cancer, Papillary; Carcinoma, Medullary; Thyroid Neoplasms.

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