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vol.20 número2Comprensión de textos de ciencias en estudiantes universitarios: generación de inferencias causales durante la lecturaEvaluación psicométrica de la escala de conducta delictiva y violenta en el aula, en estudiantes chilenos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1729-4827


OMAR, Alicia; SALESSI, Solana  y  URTEAGA, Florencia. Design and validation of the CapPsi scale to measure psychological capital. liber. [online]. 2014, vol.20, n.2, pp.315-323. ISSN 1729-4827.

The objective of this study was the development and validation of a scale to measure psychological capital in adults. The initial items were developed on the basis of the bibliographical review, interviews with employees and consultations with specialists. Initially a pilot test was carried out which allowed conceptual and semantic adjustments of the items. The scale was administered to 382 employees, together with the measures of job performance, organizational self-defeating behaviors and overall satisfaction. Also, it is studied the exploratory and confirmatory factorial validity; in addition to the re liability and internal consistency through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The results showed the existence of four factors with satisfactory levels of validity and reliability, which were labeled as: Hope (α = .87), Optimism (α = .91), Resilience (α = .84) and Self-efficacy (α = .79). The scale complies with the psychometric criteria required and can be used as a diagnostic tool and organizational management.

Palabras clave : Psychological capital; scale; adults.

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