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vol.30 número1Mantenimiento, dependencia y violencia en parejas del sureste de MéxicoAdaptación del Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo para mexicanos en marginación índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1729-4827


ANGARITA BECERRA, Laureano David; ZABALA LOBATON, Lissette Paola  e  TEZON, Mariana Inés. Relationships Between Types of Positive Emotions in Post-Pandemic Adolescents: Specialized Documentary Review. liber. [online]. 2024, vol.30, n.1, pp.81-98.  Epub 29-Fev-2024. ISSN 1729-4827.


evidence is identified that suggests the significant role of the development and promotion of positive emotions in strengthening the adaptation and socialization processes of Latin American adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic.


the general objective is to identify the main relationships between empathy, prosociality and gratitude, from the review of specialized documents available in commonly used sources (EBSCO host, Scopus, Dialnet), by means of ATLAS.ti and content analysis to facilitate the understanding of the variables of interest and their main relationships. The specific objectives were: (1) to delimit the types of documents, categories and subcategories to be included in the study, (2) to analyze the information collected according to the defined methods, and (3) to deepen the main relationships between the categories included.


a documentary analysis was carried out based on content analysis and grounded theory, using ATLAS.ti, and triangulation of sources.


it is identified that the positive emotion mostly addressed in the studies is empathy, necessary for the social adaptation of Latin American adolescents during the pandemic. A relationship between empathy and prosociality is suggested, and a lesser link with gratitude.


the relationships between empathy and gratitude strengthen the development of prosociality and social adaptation of adolescents, in pandemic contexts it is necessary to deepen about specific aspects and processes that strengthen higher levels of prosociality and well-being.

Palavras-chave : Positive emotions; teenagers; post pandemic.

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