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versão impressa ISSN 1729-4827


LUQUE BERKOWITZA, Jorge Iván  e  LABORIN ALVAREZ, Jesús Francisco. Adaptation of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory for Marginalized Mexicans. liber. [online]. 2024, vol.30, n.1, pp.99-110.  Epub 29-Fev-2024. ISSN 1729-4827.


The temporal perspective is a psychological process through which the continuous streams of personal and social experiences are assigned to temporal categories or frames of time that provide order, coherence, and meaning to those events. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) measures this orientation with five factors: positive past, negative past, fatalistic present, hedonistic present, and future. However, its validation has been conducted with European and American populations, and to a lesser extent with Latin Americans.


Adapt the ZTPI for the adult population living in marginalized areas of Mexico.


Through a non- experimental ex post facto design with a descriptive scope and two-stage sampling. Where, 117 women and 61 men participated, with an average age of 44.6 years.


The reliability values are adequate, and the structural model with four factors shows fit measures close to the suggested thresholds (χ2/df = 1.523; CFI = .914; GFI = .883; TLI = .899; AGFI = .848; RMSEA = .054; y SRMR = .029).


The adaptation of the scale appears to be sensitive to the reference population.

Palavras-chave : temporal perspective; ZTPI; positive past; marginalization..

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