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Letras (Lima)

versão On-line ISSN 2071-5072


JARAMILLO, Orlanda; SALAZAR ALVAREZ, Leidy Marisol  e  MERCADO CASTRILLON, María José. Competences of the professor of Information Science, Library Science and Archival Science in Latin America and Spain. Letras [online]. 2017, vol.88, n.128, pp.82-98. ISSN 2071-5072.

The paper addresses the competences of the professor in Information Science, Library Science and Archivology in Latin America and Spain from a mixed approach, where the documentary search shows the little tackled of the subject. Therefore, it points out the teaching profile should be viewed, reflected and evaluated from the competencies and skills; which is translated into the approach of curricular contents from the cognitive (to know), management-application (to do), attitu-dinal (to be) and communicative (to cohexist) dimensions. The work warns of the transversality of ICT in the curricula, where they play an important role as a tool in the disciplinary development. Consequently, a list of competences for the ICT area teacher is proposed from the components of the cognitive dimension.

Palavras-chave : professor profile; university professor; library science; science information; archivology; competencies; ICT; theory foundation; organization and representation of the informatio.

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