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vol.88 número128Competencias del profesor de Ciencia de la Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística en América Latina y EspañaObservaciones etimológicas acerca del nombre de la ciudad antigua de Chan Chan y sus estructuras arquitectónicas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Letras (Lima)

versão On-line ISSN 2071-5072


SAVI, Karina. Magnetic fields: A Wiew of Peruvian science fiction from the 19th century to the present day. Letras [online]. 2017, vol.88, n.128, pp.99-125. ISSN 2071-5072.

This article studies the psychoanalytic consultancy "El psicoanálisis le ayudará" that is included in the magazine Idilio between 1948 and 1951 with the purpose of analyzing the modalities that this knowledge adopts in the beginning of its installation in the Argentine society. With this aim, taking into account the discourse studies, we consider three aspects: the way in which the epistolary clinical device is constructed, the senses that psychoanalysis acquires as a discursive object and the enunciation subject that is created in these pages. From this analysis, we have been able to determine that in the clinical device configuration the psychoanalysis is presented as a scientific truth, which aims at adaptation and does not question the social order imposed on women. The voice of the subject-psychoanalyst emerges in this framework as a voice of authority, through which a dissymmetric position is generated with the readers

Palavras-chave : discourse analysis; psychoanalysis; device; discursive object; enunciation subject.

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