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Letras (Lima)
versão On-line ISSN 2071-5072
MARTIN AGUIERREZ, Oscar. Movements on the page, archive’s affiliations: Relación de antigüedades de este reyno del Perú (¿1613?). Letras [online]. 2018, vol.89, n.130, pp.206-223. ISSN 2071-5072.
The proposal of this paper thinks about the archive, its weight and its weave at the beginning of the XVII century in the central Andes. It analyses the "alliances with the conqueror" (Polar Cornejo, 1986) in the Relación de antigüedades de este reyno del Perú (¿1613?) by Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua. To form an allian- ce is an affiliation’s act, that is, to connect an "other" past with the occidental´s archive. This paper distinguishes two key aspects in that affiliation´s process: one sedentary, another nomadic. Both they live in the pages of a manuscript and they give an account on a traumatic process of colonization and evangelization.
Palavras-chave : Colonial archive; Affiliations; Pachacuti Yamqui; Manuscript.