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vol.90 número132Negritud, oralidad y carnaval en la narrativa afrodescendiente peruana del siglo XX (Gálvez Ronceros, Martínez y Charún-Illescas): hacia la conformación de un corpus autónomoDe los apuntes al esquema. Repensando a Francisco Miró Quesada y en defensa de una razón limitada y pragmática índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Letras (Lima)

versão impressa ISSN 0378-4878versão On-line ISSN 2071-5072


MOREIRO-GONZALEZ, José Antonio. Library and Information Science at its crossroads with other disciplines. Its importance for the knowledge organization. Letras [online]. 2019, vol.90, n.132, pp.167-187. ISSN 0378-4878.

Is addressed to the disciplinary conformation of Information science. The concepts of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary are fixed in relation to all scientific, technical and humanistic specialties. To drop from them to the Information science and reasoning the compositional baggage of its conceptual aspects and their practical applications and even teaching. The review focuses on the great moments of the evolutionary process to analyze the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary interventions. Particularly during the long bibliographic period. Also on the formation of interdisciplinary Science of documentation, first, and the Information science, after. At length, the progress of transdisciplinary on performance and current university education is attended to

Palavras-chave : Library and Information Science; Multidisciplinary; Interdisciplinary; Transdisciplinary; Evolutionary process; KOS.

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