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vol.6 número1Aplicación del fairtrade por las empresas exportadoras de artesanía textil de la región Puno: caso Jomatex S.R.L - Sumac Perú S.C.R.L - PerúGestión educativa y su relación con la práctica docente en las instituciones educativas emblemáticas de la ciudad de Puno - 2014 - Perú índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


ONOFRE MAMANI, Luperio David  y  INCACUTIPA LIMACHI, Duverly Joao. The role of forensic cultural anthropology in front of cases of sexual violence during the judicial process - Puno - Peru. Comuni@cción [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.1, pp.47-55. ISSN 2219-7168.

The article refers to the role or how Forensic Cultural Anthropology intervenes in cases of sexual violence during the judicial process. For this research a case of sexual violence occurred in the district of Coasa of the Province of Carabaya, department of Puno was taken. The method applied was the qualitative method. The result of this research has been important because it has been revealed that in the district of Coasa partner relationships are acceptable from minors of 13 years, provided it is approved by parents, so the culture of this people not pregnancy is a crime to minors. Thus forensic cultural anthropology contributes to the administration of lawsuits, determining patterns of cultural behavior to clarify the facts.

Palabras clave : Anthropology; forensic cultural; violation; administration; justice.

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