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vol.8 número2Escalas productivas y nivel de riesgo del producto de trucha, PUNO-PERÚConsumo televisivo de audiencias infantiles: un estudio cualitativo con estudiantes chilenos - Chile índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


CAJAS BRAVO, Verónica; CASIMIRO URCOS, Consuelo; CASIMIRO URCOS, Walther  y  PASQUEL LOARTE, Lorenzo. The social representation of the Universitarian Law in the news discourse - Peru. Comuni@cción [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.2, pp.94-104. ISSN 2219-7168.

The research objective is to deveal the social representations of the Peruvian Universities Law based on El Comercio daily journal coverage. It used a mixed methodology related to the statistics analysis of textual data. The data analysis was developed trought the non supervised clustering method, using the k-mean logaritm in order to build a single level cluster. The results disclose six clusters which explain the 51,61 percent of discursive statistical variance on the representations which the press placed among their readers about the Universitarian in conclusion, the newpapers discourse focus the transition as juridically estable and socially necesary, making the educational transformation an insume for the Peruvian growth and competitivity

Palabras clave : social representations; news discourse; universitarian Law; power; resistance.

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