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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


GARCIA TEJADA, Mario Luis  y  FLORES MAMANI, Emilio. Consequences of corporate culture and the role of communication in interpersonal organizational commitment staff Provincial Municipality of Arequipa - Peru. Comuni@cción [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.2, pp.137-147. ISSN 2219-7168.

Corporate culture and organizational commitment constructs are of great interest for the development of organizations. The article deals on the consequences of corporate culture and the role of interpersonal communication in organizational commitment of staff of the provincial city of Arequipa. The study was conducted under the quantitative paradigm and the survey technique was applied to a sample of 195 workers of the Municipality was used. The results show that the main consequences of corporate culture in organizational commitment of staff with the Municipality are: cooperation, participation and solidarity aid in the staff; as the labor commitment has a positive impact on the labor behavior of workers as positive implications in levels of performance, productivity, identification with the goals of the organization. Therefore, the corporate culture and interpersonal communication if they contribute to the commitment of staff with the municipality.

Palabras clave : Corporate culture; interpersonal communication; affective commitment; continuance commitment; normative commitment.

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