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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


CHARRY CONDOR, Héctor Omar. The management of internal communication and the organizational climate in the sector public. Comuni@cción [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.1, pp.25-34. ISSN 2219-7168.

ABSTRACT The article the management of the internal communication and the organizational climate in the public sector, is the result of research carried out during the second quarter of 2016 in the Local Educational Management Unit No. 03 of metropolitan Lima. The main objective of the study is to establish the correlation between the management of internal communication and the organizational climate, through quantitative research with a non-experimental design based on a sample of 200 probabilistic workers with stratified simple random selection. The collection of information was carried out through 2 instruments: internal communication survey (Own elaboration) and work environment survey (standardized survey - Great Place To Work 2006) with Likert scaling. Both surveys obtained 0.984 reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) and validated by expert judgment. The results show the existence of a very strong positive significant correlation of r = 0.959 between the management of the internal communication and the organizational climate (according to the Pearson correlation values ​​table) at the 0.01 level between both variables and a probability of error less than 5.0%. The findings allow obtaining an average of 3.48 in relation to the organizational climate construct, a result well below the expected average (5.00). Therefore, the perception of the organizational climate is unfavorable. Additionally, 56.5% say that inefficient internal communication predominates

Palabras clave : Internalcommunication; organizational climate; public sector; Education; educational management.

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