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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


LOPEZ PAZ, Peregrino Melitón; GALLEGOS COPA, Samuel; VILCA COLQUEHUANCA, Gustavo Luis  y  LOPEZ CUEVA, Milton Antonio. Learning strategies in university students of social sciences: an empirical study in the professional school of sociology UNAP. Comuni@cción [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.1, pp.35-47. ISSN 2219-7168.

ABSTRACT The study examines the form of knowledge management of university students, taking into consideration that each individual assimilates, processes and transforms the information for their learning in a different way; Therefore, the objective is to identify the strategies for student learning in the Sociology EP of UNA Puno, for which the Gariballo CEVEAPEU Questionnaire is used. The research has a non-experimental, transversal, quantitative micro level character. The data come from a probabilistic sample of 217 students of ten academic semesters, between men and women who contribute to explore the statistically significant differences by sex, age and level of studies. The results show that within the preferred learning strategies are those oriented towards the development of autonomous learning, dominated by internal motivation, the assessment of the task, self-regulation, self-confidence and what they can achieve. Likewise, it is concluded, through the nonparametric test of Mann-Whitney U, that there are significant differences between the strategies preferred by men and women

Palabras clave : Strategic learning; CEVEAPEU; self-regulation.

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