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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


SOTOMAYOR SOLOAGA, Pedro; HORMAZABAL, Joselyn Muñoz; MARTINEZ MALDONADO, Paulina  y  ARAYA CORTES, Alexis. Leadership, culture and inclusive practices from the perspective of management teams of educational establishments. Comuni@cción [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.1, pp.5-15. ISSN 2219-7168.

Managing diversity is one of the great challenges of education today, a speech promoted in Chile by the entry into force of Law 20.845. Considering the role of management in the construction of inclusive educational communities, a study with a qualitative approach is presented which objective was to investigate the meanings that the members of management teams of two educational establishments give to leadership and inclusive leadership. These last as elements that favor practices inclusive and promote the development of inclusive cultures. The findings show the identification of the concepts of participation and collective decision-making as central elements of inclusive leadership, emphasizing the centrality of inclusive values in the creation of inclusive cultures. In conclusion, the inclusive practices identified seem to be only a first step in a much broader and deeper reflection-action for a necessary holistic and strategic vision of inclusion.

Palabras clave : Educational inclusion; Leadership; Inclusive leadership; Inclusive cultures, Management teams.

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