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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168
INQUILLA MAMANI, Juan; YAPUCHURA SAICO, Cristóbal Rufino y INQUILLA ARCATA, Fernando. Between anomy and inhumanity: Femicide cases in the Puno region - Peru. Comuni@cción [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.2, pp.119-130. ISSN 2219-7168.
Violence against women is a problem that obeys patriarchal and macho hierarchical structures that are socially and culturally reproduced from generation to generation in the Puno region. The objectives of the study are focused on analyzing and explaining conditioning factors of the phenomenon of feminicide, as well as the motivations and beliefs that lead to committing the act of feminicide. The study method is quantitative in nature. The binary logistic regression model was used to estimate the probability of occurrence of the phenomenon, the empirical information was recovered from the MIDIS-CEM database and existing documentary analysis. The results found allow us to sustain that the cases of femicides that occur in our environment are related to the sociocultural construction of violence, motivated by individual, sociodemographic and structural factors, as well as the belief in the use of this violence as a resource for male control and domination. In addition, it is closely linked to the progress of women in the field of education and employment.
Palabras clave : Beliefs; consequences; social context; feminicide; conditioning factors and life.