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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


ZAVALETA CABRERA, Emigdio Melquiades. Analysis of institutional management in the academic units of the National Police - Perú. Comuni@cción [online]. 2021, vol.12, n.1, pp.53-64. ISSN 2219-7168.

Institutional management constitutes an aspect of great significance for the training of new generations of students in a country, for example, if it is about the training of future police officers who are placed at the service of society to guarantee citizen rights. In this sense, a study is presented whose objective is to analyze the institutional management in the academic units of the National Police of Peru (UA-PNP); For which the mixed method was used, consisting of a documentary analysis and interviews with advisers, officials and outstanding students of the police education system, to then apply a questionnaire to students close to graduating from academic units. The findings show that there are serious deficiencies in institutional management, which is the product of lack of planning, inadequate application of the strategy and inefficient use of resources, which have an impact on the quality of police training, good service to society and the good institutional image. It is concluded, thus, that institutional management is an important tool to promote the conduction of the institution towards the achievement of organizational objectives and goals.

Palabras clave : Institutional management; academic units; strategy; image; Peru.

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