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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


CRUZADO SALDANA, Jenner José. Formative Assessment in Educaction. Comuni@cción [online]. 2022, vol.13, n.2, pp.149-160. ISSN 2219-7168.

This review article was carried out with the objective of analyzing and highlighting the importance of formative evaluation in education, to the extent that this type of evaluation has become more relevant in recent times; Therefore, education professionals are considering it in their different class sessions and, in the same way, its results have been favoring the teaching and learning process. An analytical and critical methodology was used, based on the literature review in the Pro Quest, EBSCO, Science, Scopus and Dialnet databases, on the subject studied. Based on the results obtained, the information was organized and analyzed in four thematic blocks: definitions of formative evaluation, approaches that support it, processes for carrying out formative evaluation and feedback. It is concluded that the formative evaluation is very relevant in the educational process because it seeks the integral formation of the students, based on its components, among which feedback is highlighted.

Palabras clave : Formative evaluation; approaches; processes and feedback.

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