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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


DEL AGUILA ALVAREZ, Andrea Jazmine; RIVAS SOTO, Luz Alondrita  y  CRUZ-TARRILLO, Jose Joel. Employability Skills in Future Peruvian Managers. Comuni@cción [online]. 2022, vol.13, n.3, pp.201-212.  Epub 30-Sep-2022. ISSN 2219-7168.

Today, companies need to compete with their best resource, human talent, in such a way that they are redesigning their workplaces. That is to say, they require collaborators who are capable of generating beneficial results for the organization, through competencies, aptitudes and skills. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to describe the most demanded competencies in the Peruvian labor market for future managers. The research was conducted through a qualitative methodological perspective, with an exploratory design, the units of analysis were publications of the Peruvian employment web portals: Bumeran, Linkedin, CompuTrabajo, PortalTrabajo,, Indeed. For their search, the keywords "administration" and "administrator" were used, considering a time interval for the visualization of the ads of one and a half months of antiquity, thus obtaining a total of 325 publications. The results obtained indicate that administrators are more in demand for middle management positions. The soft skills most in demand are leadership, assertive communication, planning, teamwork, proactivity, and the hard skills are: work experience, office automation skills, management systems tools, English language skills, and financial tools. In conclusion, higher education institutions should focus on strengthening these competencies so that future Peruvian managers are more competitive within the demands of the labor market.

Palabras clave : Management; labor competencies; labor market; employability; skills.

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