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vol.13 número3Facebook y su aprovechamiento pedagógico: Percepciones de educandos y educadores de educación básicaImportancia de la narración de cuentos en la educación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


ARMAS CASTANEDA, Segundo; NARVAEZ POMIANO, Ernesto Filomeno; HERRERA TUYA, Edgar Alberto  y  VALLEJOS ARMAS, Rony. Communication for development: finding the missing link. Comuni@cción [online]. 2022, vol.13, n.3, pp.223-232.  Epub 30-Sep-2022. ISSN 2219-7168.

The conceptualizations and validity of communication for development have been part of the agenda of the academic debate due, mainly, to the polysemic nature of communication, but also because of the multiple readings that are made about it. Some authors confuse communication for development with communication for behavior change and define it from a reductionist perspective, and others conclude that this has been overtaken by the paradigm of communication for social change. This article aims to corroborate the validity of the paradigm of communication for development, for which a retrospective study was carried out based on the bibliographic review of the most emblematic authors on the subject, whose result allowed to trace three theoretical routes that, analyzed from a historical and holistic perspective, demonstrate that this paradigm is still valid, meanwhile, it represents the synthesis of the path traveled by horizontal, dialogical and liberating communication embodied by the generation of Latin American intellectuals who for more than three decades claimed the right to communication and the aspiration for social change.

Palabras clave : Communication for development; communication for behavior change; communication for social change.

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