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Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia

versión On-line ISSN 2304-5132


NORIEGA PORTELLA, Luis. Role of ultrasound in infertility treatment. Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. [online]. 2012, vol.58, n.2, pp.95-100. ISSN 2304-5132.

Ultrasound has a primordial role in diagnosis and management of infertility; it is an essential tool in the office and in every fertility unit. It is important in the initial evaluation of the uterine and ovulatory factor, and complementary in the tubal and cervical factor. Transcervical instillation of saline solution allows better visualization of intracavitary defects (histerosonography). As such, histerosonography is a routine test in uterine cavity evaluation in assisted reproduction treatments (ART). Ovulation ultrasound monitoring of infertile women is needed for low and high complexity cycles. It also has an important role in ART high complexity cycles of during oocyte retrieval and embryo transfer. Its use for cyst aspiration is limited to exceptional cases and use of Doppler in fertility is still controversial and not practical.

Palabras clave : Ultrasound; oocyte retrieval; embryo transfer; histerosonography; folliculogenesis.

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