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Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia
versión On-line ISSN 2304-5132
PUMA, Sergio et al. Variation of the pulmonary artery acceleration time/systolic ejection time index by corticosteroids in preterm fetuses. Rev Per Ginecol obstet. [online]. 2013, vol.59, n.1, pp.15-20. ISSN 2304-5132.
Introduction: No studies were encountered determining changes of the pulmonary artery trunk flow velocity waveform with the use of corticosteroids. Objectives: To determine the effect of antenatal corticosteroids on the pulmonary artery trunk acceleration time/systolic ejection time index (AT/ET index) in preterm fetal pregnancies and to correlate a possible variation in the AT/ET ratio with the induction of lung maturity. Design: Descriptive, prospective, longitudinal study. Setting: Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado, Arequipa, Peru. Participants: Preterm fetuses. Interventions: Fetuses had ultrasound evaluation with biometry and measurement of the pulmonary artery trunk blood flow by using pulsed Doppler, before and after administration of corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity. Results used descriptive statistics and were compared by paired tests and correlation tests. Main outcome measures: Variation of the fetal pulmonary artery trunk AT/ET index by use of corticosteroids. Results: We studied 35 pregnant women with mean age 27.2 years, mean gestational age 33.1 weeks. Mortality of preterm infants was 11.4% of all births. AT/ET index following corticosteroids administration rose from 0.26 to 0.29 (p <0.05). AT/ET index increase in relation to baseline below 20% was associated with need for neonatal intubation, cardiac massage, drugs use, congenital pneumonia, need of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and mortality. Conclusions: Preterm pulmonary artery trunk flow AT/ET ratio increased significantly with the administration of antenatal steroids, and its elevation above 20% from baseline diminished the presence of important complications in the preterm newborn.
Palabras clave : Acceleration time/systolic ejection time index; pulmonary artery trunk; corticosteroids; preterm pregnancy.