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vol.59 número1Variación del índice tiempo de aceleración/tiempo de eyección sistólico (TA/TE) del tronco de arteria pulmonar por efecto de los corticoides en fetos prematurosUso de cinta transobsturadora (TOT) para el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo: experiencia con los 40 primeros casos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia

versión On-line ISSN 2304-5132


HUAMAN-GUERRERO, Moisés; PACHECO-ROMERO, José; CAMPANERO, Mercedes  y  HUAMAN-JOO, Moisés. Changes in pulmonary artery root blood flow in premature fetuses receiving corticoids. Rev Per Ginecol obstet. [online]. 2013, vol.59, n.1, pp.21-26. ISSN 2304-5132.

Objectives: To determine changes in pulmonary artery blood flow Doppler velocimetry in preterm fetuses exposed to corticosteroids. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Instituto Latinoamericano de Salud Reproductiva (ILSAR), Lima, Peru. Participants: Mothers 29-36 weeks of gestation and their fetuses. Interventions: In fetuses of mothers 29-36 weeks of gestation who had received corticosteroids for maturation pulmonary artery blood flow Doppler velocimetry was performed. Main outcome measures: Correlation of Doppler velocimetry changes and neonate lung maturity. Results: Preterm fetuses that received corticosteroids did not present neonatal respiratory complications when systolic acceleration time/deceleration time (AT/DT) index was equal or over 0,57, value obtained in fetuses 33 weeks or more and weight over 2 000 g. AT/DT values following corticosteroids showed high statistical correlation with newborn respiratory complications (p<0,0001). Conclusions: Pulmonary artery blood flow measured with AT/DT index was modified after corticosteroids administration for preterm fetal lung maturation; values were superior to those observed for same gestational age fetuses without corticosteroids. Difference was highly significant starting at week 33. AT/DT index of the pulmonary artery stem is a useful tool to determine pulmonary maturity.

Palabras clave : Preterm fetus; pulmonary artery; lung maturity; Doppler velocimetry.

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