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vol.29 número2Modeling, analysis and seismic design of structures using energy dissipators SLBProposal for peruvian standard considering the effect of bidirectionality and the angle of incidence of an earthquake índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0375-7765versión On-line ISSN 2309-0413


AGUILAR, Zenón; TARAZONA, Juan; VERGARAY, Luis  y  BARRANTES, José. Site response analysis and its comparison with the peruvian seismic design spectrum. Tecnia [online]. 2019, vol.29, n.2, pp.91-97. ISSN 0375-7765.

The site response analyzes provide an idea of the behavior of soils under seismic loads, involving a large number of variables that determine the non-linear behavior of the soil. Due to the complexity of these analyzes, in practice the effects of nonlinear soil behavior are incorporated as factors that modify the seismic response spectrum in rock (linear behavior). In this study, nonlinear site response analysis has been performed for 50 soil profiles in an attempt for covering a wide range of shear wave velocity profiles using the software DEEPSOIL V.7. For this purpose, 03 seismic records have been spectrally adjusted to uniform hazard spectrum of 475, 1000 and 2475 years of return period of a reference soil profile with Vs30 of 760 m/s. Subsequently, a comparison of the results obtained from the site response analysis with the parameters stipulated in the Peruvian Seismic Design Code E.030 (2018) for the design spectrum was made, in order to evaluate if the last one adequately matches the response of each type of soil. Discrepancies in the ranges of Vs30 values that this standard considers for the classification of soils and the factors that determine the width of the platform of the design spectrum have been found, implying that a new range of Vs30 for the soil classification is needed.

Palabras clave : Site response; Peruvian design spectrum; nonlinear soil behavior.

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