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Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas

versión On-line ISSN 2313-2957


MENDOZA-LIMA, Maria Yaquelin; CASA-RUIZ, Teodocia Gloria  y  BELLE, Cristiano. Reaction of Chenopodium quinoa to different species of Meloidogyne. Rev. investig. Altoandin. [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.4, pp.343-346. ISSN 2313-2957.

Currently, the cultivation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) at Peru does not have studies related to the reaction of Meloidogyne spp. This study aimed to evaluate the reaction of five quinoa cultivars (‘Salcedo INIA’, ‘Choclito’, ‘Huariponcho’, ‘Negra Collana’, and ‘Kcancolla’) to Meloidogyne arenaria, Meloidogyne incognita, and Meloidogyne hapla. The experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design, with five quinoa cultivars and three species of Meloidogyne spp. with six repetitions. Quinoa plants were kept in a mesh house and placed in polyethylene bags with 3,000 dm³of sterile soil inoculated with 5,000 eggs + juveniles (J2). After 90 days of inoculation, the number of nematodes per gram of root, number of galls, and the reproduction factor (final population/initial population) were determined. All quinoa cultivars were susceptible to M. incognita and resistant to M. arenaria and M. hapla, except for ‘Negra Collana’, which was susceptible to M. arenaria, and ‘Salcedo INIA’’ and ‘Huariponcho’, susceptible to M. hapla.

Palabras clave : Quinoa; genotypes; root-knot nematode; resistance; susceptibility.

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