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Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas

versão On-line ISSN 2313-2957


MAMANI PAREDES, Javier; TERROBA, Nicaela; QUISPE MERMA, Javier  e  SUPO HALANOCA, Felix. Response of degraded natural grasslands to revegetation and application of sheep manure. Rev. investig. Altoandin. [online]. 2024, vol.26, n.2, pp.86-93.  Epub 02-Maio-2024. ISSN 2313-2957.

Pastures is important for livestock production, are source of food mainly for ruminant livestock. The study was conducted in grasslands of the highlands of Puno, Peru, at an altitude of 3818 masl. The objective was to determine the effect of revegetation with two native grasses: Festuca dolichophylla Presl "chilligua" (Fedo) and Poa gilgiana Pilger "K'achu" (Pogi) in the recovery of degraded pastures with the addition of sheep manure as a source of organic matter (OM), conducted under a split-plot design whose study factors were 2 native species, 2 fertilization factors with and without the addition of sheep feces and urine (OM), in 3 blocks; The results indicate that the highest growth and biomass yield was for Fedo, probably due to its adaptive capacity, the green matter yield of Fedo and Pogi was higher in the treatment with the addition of OM, the incorporation of manure to the pasture had a positive influence on the recovery of the pasture, on the other hand Fedo had a greater height than Pogi; Likewise, the seed production of the treatments with added OM was higher than the treatments without OM; the protein content with addition of OM was higher in both species and the NDF was higher in the species without addition of OM; the application of OM favored the growth and nutritive value of the species. It was concluded that revegetation and incorporation of sheep manure had a favorable effect on the recovery and nutritional quality of the pasture.

Palavras-chave : Revegetation; rangeland; sheep manure; nutritional value.

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