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Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas

versão On-line ISSN 2313-2957


JAHUIRA HUARCAYA, Faustino Addolfo et al. Preparation of artisan smoke yogurt with alpaca and cow milk. Rev. investig. Altoandin. [online]. 2024, vol.26, n.2, pp.94-104.  Epub 02-Maio-2024. ISSN 2313-2957.

The effect of using alpaca milk on the physicochemical, composition, microbiological and sensory attributes of artisanal whipped yogurt with different alpaca and cow milk formulations was evaluated. The pasteurized process methodology to obtain seven formulations of yogurt with alpaca milk was subjected to physicochemical, composition, microbiological and sensory quality analysis with the following results: The physicochemical quality of yogurt made with different proportions of alpaca milk was favorable for the stability of the yogurt, also denoting a greater richness of total solids in its useful life period of consumption. The composition of yogurts with a different proportion of alpaca milk increases the nutritional components of yogurt, enriching it with natural nutrients, improving the quality of yogurt and promoting it as a “concentrated fermented milk.” The microbiological quality of yogurts made with various proportional parts of alpaca milk appears acceptable for consumption of yogurt according to the Peruvian Technical Standards for milk and dairy derivatives, given the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, minimal presentation of fungi and yeasts and presence initial acid lactobacilli, which inhibit bacterial growth and reduce bacterial presence at the time of final ripening of the yogurt. Finally, the sensory quality of the yogurts prepared with partial use of alpaca milk demonstrated to have good flavor, aroma and smell characteristics, mainly in those whose formulation uses majority proportions of alpaca milk, giving rise to products with acceptable tastes for the consumer.

Palavras-chave : yogurt; alpaca and cow milk; physicochemical quality; microbiological quality; sensory quality.

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