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versión impresa ISSN 1815-8242versión On-line ISSN 2413-3299
CERONI STUVA, Aldo; SALVADOR RODRIGUEZ, Julio y QUINTEROS CARLOS, Zulema. Spatial and temporal patterns of potentially key flora species in the agrarian system of the district of Cajatambo, Lima, Peru. Arnaldoa [online]. 2024, vol.31, n.1, pp.85-104. Epub 20-Abr-2024. ISSN 1815-8242.
A potentially key flora species study was conducted in the district of Cajatambo, Lima, Peru through their spatial and temporal patterns and population distribution over time. The records were made during 2015 and 2016 using 44 transects of 30 meters, in 9 plant formations. The selection of potentially key species was made by the contribution of the cover in diferent plant formations, contribution in the change from one plant formation to another and the cultural importance. The determination of spatial and temporal patterns were made using Taylor´s Law, while the population distribution by maps of spatial and temporal variation with isolines of plant cover with the QGIS 3.16.16 Program. Sixteen potentially key species are proposed, of which 12 and 4 species showed posible refuge and mobile and fixed hot-spots patterns, respectively. Agricultural zones, scrublands and grassland were important plant formations for the presence of potentially key flora species. Maps of spatial and temporal variation show the dynamics of plant resources used by cajatambinos such as Trifolium repens “white clover” in cattle foraging in the field and Minthostachys mollis “muña” a medicinal plant mostly collected. Because potentially key species providing plant resources for subsistence in times when it becames more dificult to obtain resources, contribute to the sustainability of the agrarian system of the distric of Cajatambo.
Palabras clave : Plant cover; isolines of plant cover; maps and patterns of spatial and temporal variation.