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versión impresa ISSN 1815-8242versión On-line ISSN 2413-3299


GUTIERREZ RAMOS, José N. et al. “Alejandro Manuel Fernandez Honores” Botanical Garden from National University of Trujillo, Peru. Arnaldoa [online]. 2024, vol.31, n.1, pp.199-210.  Epub 20-Abr-2024. ISSN 1815-8242.

The work responds highlighting interest and presence of Alejandro Manuel Fernandez Honores Botanical Garden of National University of Trujillo as an ex-situ Conservation Center, mainly native flora to the Peruvian coast, given need to promote environmental conservation habits on academic context and citizens of Trujillo. Garden give orientated to, didactic, guiding its actions such as its interventions with programs and interaction projects in consensus, regarding economic recovery, ethnohistorical, ethnobiological tourism. Added value of ecosystem services, recognition of botanical and fauna resources, as aligned responses towards students and community, in field, management and environmental education and urban environmental planning.

Palabras clave : Botanical Garden; ex-situ conservation; natural resources; flora and fauna.

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