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vol.21 número1Caza y comercio de carne de origen silvestre: Estudio de caso en tres comunidades nativas amazónicas de Ucayali, PerúImpacto de la fertilización con biocarbón y SiO2 en el desarrollo del banano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1816-7667versión On-line ISSN 2414-1046


ZAPATA CRUZ, Marco A. et al. Biodiversity of mangrove trees in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove forest, Tumbes, Peru. Manglar [online]. 2024, vol.21, n.1, pp.77-85.  Epub 02-Abr-2024. ISSN 1816-7667.

The aim of this research was to determine the alpha and beta diversity of mangrove trees in the Tumbes mangrove forest. The mangrove forest area was divided into three zones: A, B and C, in which 41 sampling points (PM) were taken. Mangrove trees were counted and measured, and the alpha diversity indices were determined: Shannon-Wiener (H'), Simpson (DS) and Pielou (J’), as well as the similarity of the PM. Beta diversity is determined with the indices: Jackard (IJ) and quantitative Sorensen (S). It is considered that the alpha diversity of the mangrove forest was low (H'=1.0260, SD =0.6158 and J’=0.9339), with zone A being the one with the lowest diversity (H'=0.3048, SD=0.8531 and J’=0.2774), due to its less anthropic impact and due to the dominance of Rhizophora mangle over the other species, it was observed that the PM were very similar within each zone, with lower diversity in zone A. The beta diversity evaluated using IJ was 1, indicating that the diversity of species does not change between the zones, while the S index showed that there is a greater change in diversity between zone A and the remaining zones. These results can allow local and regional authorities to make decisions to protect said mangrove forest. On the other hand, it would also be advisable to carry out research to determine the impact that alterations in mangrove species biodiversity may have on the organisms that inhabit this mangrove forest.

Palabras clave : Avicenia germinans; Laguncularia racemosa; red mangrove; species richness; similarity..

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