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vol.21 número1Subproductos de cacao (Theobroma cacao) en la alimentación animal: ¿Una alternativa viable y sostenible?Inteligencia Artificial - Chatgpt: un estudio bibliométrico y su aplicación en el caso de Gases de Efecto Invernadero índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1816-7667versión On-line ISSN 2414-1046


CASTRO LOPEZ, Cesar R.  y  CASTILLO RODRIGUEZ, Luis M.. Persistent organic pollutants: Impacts and control measures. Manglar [online]. 2024, vol.21, n.1, pp.135-148.  Epub 02-Abr-2024. ISSN 1816-7667.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) represent a significant environmental problem due to their toxicity, with a high capacity to persist in the environment, resistance to conventional degradation methods, the ability to accumulate in living organisms and their magnification in food chains or food. In this review article, the impacts on health and environmental components are examined. Strategies and measures for control, mitigation and/or minimization of POPs are also addressed. Agricultural and industrial activities, inadequate final disposal of solid waste and lack of wastewater treatment are identified as the main sources of POP emissions. In addition, innovative and promising technologies are analyzed, such as nanotechnology, bioremediation, rhizoremediation, biochar, chromatography techniques, ultrasound, among others, for the adequate treatment of POPs. The review highlights both the advantages and limitations of these technologies, pointing out areas that still require developments to achieve effective treatments. More economical and ecological alternatives are also mentioned to counteract the impacts of POPs.

Palabras clave : Organic contaminants; Impacts; Persistence; Toxicity, Bioaccumulation..

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