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vol.16 número1Militarización: control y violencia en la escuela hondureña, una contradicción en la educación para la pazMujeres como territorio de despojo: extractivismo, femicidios y violencia de género en el norte de Chile índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Desde el Sur

versión impresa ISSN 2076-2674versión On-line ISSN 2415-0959


DIAZ AGUAD, Alfonso  y  BUSTOS GONZALEZ, Raúl. Attacks and politics: Assassination of General Schneider, and its impact on the Spanish press. Desde el Sur [online]. 2024, vol.16, n.1, e0011.  Epub 31-Ene-2024. ISSN 2076-2674.

This paper aims to identify the reactions that the assassination of General René Schneider, which took place in Chile in 1970, provoked in the Spanish press of the time. Based on a historiographic analysis of newspaper sources, periodicals were reviewed, considering their circulation criteria, national projection and relationship with a political tendency. In this descriptive review of sources, it was possible to identify that the way of approaching this event was influenced by their editorial lines.

Palabras clave : Cold War; Chile; press.

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