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vol.16 número21Comparación forense de voces: un estudio preliminar sobre las diferencias entre una voz natural y una voz artificial para la investigación judicialLa problemática constitucional y convencional de la aplicación de la condena del absuelto en el proceso por razón de la función pública índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Oficial del Poder Judicial

versión impresa ISSN 1997-6682versión On-line ISSN 2663-9130


BALDINO MAYER, Nicolás  y  ROMERO BASURCO, David Gustavo. Police efficiency in the fight against crime in Peru: reflections from the economic analysis of law. Revista del Poder Judicial [online]. 2024, vol.16, n.21, pp.83-115.  Epub 09-Jul-2024. ISSN 1997-6682.

The present article is developed due to the serious situation that Peru is facing in the fight against crime, which makes it necessary to establish efficient public policies involving the different responsible institutions, for both: the prevention of crime and its effective sanction. In this regard, the internal security forces have an active participation that can directly influence the crime rate. For this purpose, using the concepts offered by the economic analysis of the law and rational choice theory, we will describe how the potential criminal should respond under certain assumptions and we will use the results of research conducted in other countries to identify the measures that had the most effective impact on crime reduction and how these measures could be extrapolated to the Peruvian reality.

Palabras clave : police effectiveness; crime rates; rational choice; criminal behavior; crime prevention..

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