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Revista Oficial del Poder Judicial

versión impresa ISSN 1997-6682versión On-line ISSN 2663-9130


FIGUEROA GUTARRA, Edwin. Citizen security as a human right. The duty of prevention. Revista del Poder Judicial [online]. 2024, vol.16, n.21, pp.203-238.  Epub 09-Jul-2024. ISSN 1997-6682.

The notion of citizen security leads us to the idea of this as true human right, as there is material insufficiency in the idea of a simple demand for the security of the population. At the same time, of this correlation between citizen security and human rights it appears a strong premise: the duty of prevention that assists it does not only to the State, but to society as a whole for the construction of solid public policies regarding citizen security. It is so we forged the concept of militant citizenship.

Palabras clave : citizen security; human rights; duty of prevention; public policies; militant citizenship..

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