| Table of contents Rev Med Hered vol.8 no.2 Lima Apr./jun 1997 Editorial | | | | · Mission, vision of a teaching hospital with agreement with the Ministry of Public Health SILICANI DELLA PINA, Armando
| | | | SILICANI DELLA PINA, Armando | | | 0 | | | | · Endoscopías digestivas altas y biopsias gástricas en la Clínica Médica Cayetano Heredia. TORRES SILVA, Elder; CABELLO, José; SALINAS, César; COK, Jaime; BUSSALLEU, Alejandro
| | | | | | | 0 | | | | · Terapia genética para la infección por VIH CHINEN, Javier
| | | 0 | | | | · Embarazo abdominal, a propósito de un caso: A case report. ESPINOZA, Jimmy; GOMERO, Raúl; GONZALES, Edgard; GONZALES, Isolda
· Spanish
| | | 0 | | | | · La prueba de Papanicolaou. ARIAS STELLA, Javier
· Spanish
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