| Table of contents Rev Med Hered vol.10 no.2 Lima Apr./jun. 1999 Editorial | | | | · Systemic amyloidosis Silicani Della Pina, Armando
| | | Artículos originales | | | | · Clinical Characteristic of Secondary Amyloidosis López Marcelo, Fausto; Valdez Y, Guillermo; Hernández Pacheco, Javier; Delgado, Wilson; López, Mhv; Santayana, N; Silva Díaz, Homero
| | | | · Profile of sexualy active adolescent students in high schools from Lima, Perú Chirinos, Jesús L; Brindis, Claire D; Salazar, Victor C; Bardales, Olga T; Reátegui, Ludmila R
| | | | · HIV-AIDS in women at the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Peru. Solari Zerpa, Lely; Valdez, Luis Manuel; Echevarria, Juan; Gotuzzo, Eduardo
| | | | · Influence of Initial protein ingestion in survival patients with end stage renal failure in hemodialysis Tsuchida Fernández, Marisa Beatriz; Estremadoyro Stagnaro, Luis; Cieza Zevallos, Javier
| | | Comunicación corta | | | | · Poland Syndrome: A case report with dextrocardia and review of the literature Tori Tori, Carlos; Sabogal Carreño, Alberto
| | | | · Tertiary Syphilis: a case Report Zegarra, Jaime; Chirinos, Jesús
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