| Table of contents Rev. gastroenterol. Perú vol.28 no.3 Lima July/set. 2008 Editorial | | | | · Tiempo de revisiones
| | | Original articles | | | | · Seroprevalence of the infection and risk factors of hepatitis B and C in helathy military personnel Chacaltana, Alfonso; Espinoza, Julio
| | | | · Evaluation of conditioning factors of morbimortality in Duodenopacreatectomy In Periampullary neoplasms Targarona, Javier; Pando, Elizabeth; Vavoulis, Alexandra; Sequeiros, Joel; Garatea, Rafael; Rotta, Cesar; Barreda, Luis
| | | | · Primary colorrectal lymphoma of difuse large B cells: an exprerience at a general hospital Beltran Gárate, Brady; Morales Luna, Domingo; Quiñones Avila, Pilar; Hurtado de Mendoza, Fernando; Riva Gonzales, Luis; Yabar, Alejandro; Portugal Meza, Karem
| | | | · Nutritiona evaluation in patients with total and parcial gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma Javier H., Miguel; Loarte Ch., Andrea; Pilco C., Paul
| | | | · Post trauma diaphragmatic hernia Ruiz-Tovar, Jaime; Calero García, Purificación; Morales Castiñeiras, Vicente; Martínez Molina, Enrique
| | | Review of paper | | | | · Dolichomegacolon of the andes and instestinal volvulus due to altitude Frisancho V., Oscar
| | | | · Helicobarte pylori and gastric Cáncer Ramírez Ramos, Alberto; Sánchez Sánchez, Rolando
| | | Special contributions | | | | · Major gastrointestinal síndromes (2): dyspepsia or syndrome of the upper digestive system realted with food León-Barúa, Raúl; Berendson-Seminario, Roberto
| | | Case report | | | | · Odynophagia as an inicial presentation of eosinophilic esophagitis Cedrón Cheng, Hugo; Tagle Arróspide, Martín; Scavino Levy, Yolanda
| | | | · Adenoma of the Brunners Glands: acase report Díaz, Ramiro; Frisancho, Oscar; Palomino, Américo
| | | | · Aortoesophageal fistula: successful managenet of harzardous complication caused by foreingn body Ishioka, Shinichi; Safatle-Ribeiro, Adriana; L.A. Artifon, Everson; Sampaio Couto Jr., Décio; Navarro, Alex; Sakai, Paulo; Aun, Ricardo; Utiyama, Edivaldo; Rasslan, Samir; Birolini, Dario
| | | | · Sub- Hepatic biliosa: report of case and review of literature Guzmán Calderón, Edson; Salazar Ventura, Sonia; Monge Salgado, Eduardo
| | | Letter to the editor | | | | · Hemorragia digestiva alta por migración de banda gástrica Bisso Andrade, Aland
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