| Table of contents Rev. gastroenterol. Perú vol.41 no.2 Lima Apr./Jun 2021 Original articles | | | | · Comparison of manual versus mechanical cervical anastomosis in a prospective series of patients with esophagectomy due to cancer Castaño Llano, Rodrigo; Salazar Ochoa, Santiago; Piñeres Salazar, Amy del Mar; Jaramillo, Ricardo; Molina, Sandra; Aristizábal Arjona, Felipe; Puerta Botero, Juan Esteban
| | | | · Helicobacter pylori infection and relationship with endoscopic findings in patients treated at a referral endoscopic center in Panama Duarte-Chang, Calixto; Zuñiga, Julio
| | | | · Medical and surgical management of moderate-to-severe inflamatory bowel disease Paredes Méndez, Juan Eloy; Junes Pérez, Sonia Irene; Vargas Marcacuzco, Henry Tomas; Alosilla Sandoval, Paulo Anibal; Gutiérrez Córdova, Isamar Benyi; Fernández Luque, Jorge Luis; Ortiz Blanco, Eduardo Alvarado
| | | | · Alteration in liver function tests among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: a multicentric study in Peru Marín-Dueñas, Ivania; Vega, Jenny; Carrillo-Ng, Hugo; Veramendi-Schult, Isabel; Zavaleta-Alva, Ricardo; Vásquez-Elera, Luis; Gonzales-Soler, Zeneida; Agurto, Hellen S.; Tarrillo-Purisaca, Jorge; Garavito-Rentería, Jorge; Lozano-Miranda, Adelina
| | | | · Difficult or Complex Bile duct stones in ERCP: Large Balloon Dilation and other stone management methods. Accumulated experience in a referral Endoscopic Center 2009- 2018. Ureña, Simón Yriberry; Salazar Muente, Fernando; Barriga Briceño, José Antonio; Vera Calderón, Augusto; Suárez Arellano, Diego
| | | Case report | | | | · Portal hypertension as an uncommon presentation of hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: a case report Zambrano-Huailla, Rommel; Guzmán-Poma, Roxana; Cahua-Segura, Giancarlo; Flores-Ezcurra, Lourdes; Sumire Umeres, Julia; Cebreros Ibarra, Oscar; Martel Mory, Silvia
| | | | · Terbinafine-induced liver toxicity in the context of a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a case report Bustios Sanchez, Carla; Sumire Umeres, Julia; Asato Higa, Carmen; Monge Zapata, Victor
| | | | · Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the liver: a case report and review of the literature Bravo-Taxa, Mercedes; Aguilar-Villena, Luis; Ruiz-Figueroa, Eloy; Taxa-Rojas, Luis
| | | | · Neurofibroma of the bile duct: a rare cause of cholestatic jaundice that mimics Klatskin’s tumor Gómez-Rázuri, Katherine; Espino-Saavedra, Walter
| | | | · Cytomegalovirus hepatitis in a 2-month-old infant: a case report Panez-Gallardo, Jhoana Katherine; Atamari-Anahui, Noé; Limache-Ontiveros, Yesenia; Ccorahua-Rios, Maycol Suker; Miranda-Abarca, Iveth; Orellana-Siuce, Carlos A.; Cabrera-Enríquez, John A.
| | | | · Segmental arterial mediolysis with abdominal angina: case report Teixeira, João Vilson Claudio; de Oliveira, Amanda; Cezar, André Luiz; Stroher Junior, Ranieri Alvin
| | | In memorian | | | | · Dr. Martin F. Solari De La Fuente Alvarado Hinojosa, Abraham Augusto
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