| Table of contents An. Fac. med. vol.64 no.2 Lima Apr./June 2003 Editorial | | | | | | | Original articles | | | | · Treatment of Strongyloides stercoralis with Ivermectin and THiabendazole Huapaya, Pedro; Espinoza, Yrma; Huiza, Alina; Sevilla, Carlos; Vildósola, Herman
| | | | · Chronic lead intoxication and growth and cognitive-emotional development in children Vega, Julián; De Coll, Juan; Katekaru, Doris; Lermo, Jorge; Escobar, Juan; Díaz, Miriam; Berrocal, Víctor; Gómez, Jenny; Díaz, Giancarlo; Arroyo, Álvaro; Castro, José
| | | | · Pre-gestational obesity as a risk factor for preeclampsia Moreno, Zoila; Sánchez, Sixto; Piña, Fernando; Reyes, Antonia; Williams, Michele
| | | | · Posprandial metabolism in older adults at sea level Garmendia, Fausto; Pando, Rosa; Torres, William; Valqui, Wuili; Jamieson, Carlos; Blufstein, Nathan
| | | | · Quality of the scientific production of UNMSM medical school researchers Sogi, Cecilia; Perales, Alberto; Anderson, Alfredo; Zavala, Salomón
| | | Review | | | | · Advances in the knowledge and treatment of dyslipoproteinemias Garmendia, Fausto
| | | | · Dreams and Gestalt Therapy Vásquez, Francisco
| | | Clinical cases | | | | · Lingual thyroid: a propos of a case Yangali, Rubén; Moreno, Kattia; Santiani, Eduardo
| | | Brief communication | | | | · Angiotomography - 3D and aneurisms microsurgery: preliminary report Ramírez, Julio
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