| Table of contents An. Fac. med. vol.82 no.2 Lima Apr./Jun 2021 Editorial | | | | · Scientific integrity: a cry of silence amid the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic Cabezas Sánchez, César
| | | Original articles | | | | · Survival of health workers infected by SARS-CoV-2 in the context of vaccination against COVID-19 in Peru Escobar-Agreda, Stefan; Silva-Valencia, Javier; Rojas-Mezarina, Leonardo; Vargas-Herrera, Javier
| | | | · Extent of lung involvement by tomography in patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Collins, Jaime A.; Ramos, Rafael P.; Loyola, Fiorella V.; Meza, Iván A.; Díaz, Gerson E.; Márquez, Iván P.
| | | | · Insulin resistance in euthyroid women with thyroid nodules: case-control study Albitres-Gamarra, Andrés; Pando-Álvarez, Rosa; Castillo-Visa, Elizabeth
| | | | · Follow-up of patients with diabetic foot in a highly complex hospital in northern Peru León-Jiménez, Franco; Torres-Samamé, Liliana; Altamirano-Cardozo, Lida; Navarro-Ríos, Ana Paula Sofía; Meléndez-Ramírez, Giulliana Almendra
| | | | · Prevention of health care-associated infections: knowledge and practices in resident physicians Yagui Moscoso, Martin; Vidal-Anzardo, Margot; Rojas Mezarina, Leonardo; Sanabria Rojas, Hernán
| | | | · Effect of camu camu flour on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice Santa Cruz-Vega, Katia; Huamán-Gutiérrez, Oscar
| | | Report of cases | | | | · Gastrosplenic fistula due to gastric adenocarcinoma and diffuse peritonitis Terry-Castellano, Luis E.; Matheus-Sairitupac, Jessica Tatheana
| | | | · Emergency surgery for acute cholecystitis caused by cholecystocolonic fistula Vera-Portilla, Angel F.; Vera-Portilla, Walter; Galdós, Jose Luis; Bustinza Flores, Edwin; Cornejo Valencia, Darling; Terrazas Díaz, Sandra
| | | | · Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy via vestibular approach (TOETVA): first case in Peru Salas Moscoso, Edgar; Iwaki Chavez, Roberto; Sánchez e Ingunza, Pedro; Castillejo Correa, Julio
| | | Special Article | | | | · Management of oncohematological neoplasms in the COVID-19 pandemic: experts recommendation Alcarraz, Cindy; Samanez, César; Quintana, Shirley; Aliaga, Rolig; Lopez, Lourdes; Vasquez, Jule; Enriquez, Daniel; Custodio, Yinno; Beltran, Brady; Runciman, Thanya; Castro, Denisse; Paredes, Sally; Barrionuevo, Carlos; Dueñas, Daniela; Hijar, Gisely
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Kidney hydatidosis: about the second case report in Peru Vizcarra Vizcarra, Cristhian Adolfo
| | | | · Teaching of the health system and care model domain in the faculties of human medicine of peruvian universities, 2020 Hernández-Yépez, Palmer J.; Chavez-Malpartida, Sandra S.; Ayala-Laurel, Valeria; Moreno-Arteaga, Carlos M.; Zegarra-Quiroz, Lizbeth V.; Valladares-Garrido, Mario J.; Inga-Berrospi, Fiorella
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