| Table of contents Rev. investig. vet. Perú vol.33 no.2 Lima Mar./Apr. 2022 Primary Articles | | | | · End-to-end jejunal anastomosis lined with mesenteric flap in horses Delgado C., Alfredo; Gavidia, César M.; García B., Cristina; Mendoza E., Jierson; Ampuero C., Jeam J.; Aguinaga S., Zaida; Giron G., Eduardo; Chavera C., Alfonso; Aguilar G., Ceesar N.
| | | | · Effects of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L) as a partial replacement for soybean seed and oil in turkey diets on growth, carcass yield, hematological parameters and lipid metabolites Paredes, Manuel; Cóndor, Óscar; Hobán, Cristian; Ortiz, Pedro
| | | | · Effect of the addition of lysophospholipids in the diet on productive parameters in broilers COBB 500 Hurtado, Ernesto Antonio; Chávez, Fátima Graciela Arteaga; Campozano Marcillo, Gustavo Adolfo; Andrade Moreira, Stalin Rodolfo; Cedeño Loor, Gladys Marleny
| | | | · Effects of marigold flower (Tagetes erecta) and turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) as sources of carotenoid on productive performance and carcass characteristics of dual-purpose chickens in the finishing phase Paredes, Manuel; Quispe, Keiko
| | | | · Characterization of the guinea pig production system of the Mocha canton, Ecuador Chavez-Tapia, Ismael; Avilés-Esquivel, Diana
| | | | · Perceptions of small producers about changes in climate and their effect on milk production systems Navas Panadero, Alexander
| | | | · Electrical stimulation in the expulsion of Cryphiops caementarius spermatophores according to size and molting stages Reyes-Avalos, Walter; Mogollón-Calderón, Anghela; Fuentes-Muñoz, Adelhi
| | | | · Seminal plasma proteins and sperm quality of Romosinuano and Costeño con Cuernos bulls Fernández N., Juan Carlos; Herrera P., Natalia; Vergara A.2, María; Coronado M., Lina; Rúgeles P., Clara; Rueda A., Fabian; Cardozo C., Jaime
| | | | · Helminthiasis in vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) in the district of Contumaza (Cajamarca, Peru) Curay C., Joao; Chávez V., Amanda; Pinedo V., Rosa; Falcón P., Néstor
| | | | · Dehydration of erythrocytes parasitized with Babesia spp as an immunoprophylactic alternative. Preliminary results Del Río Álvarez, Florencia; Peichoto, María E.; Palma, Santiago; Maletto, Belkys; Guidoli, Marcos; Huber, Laura; Lozina, Laura
| | | | · Fasciola hepatica in Cavia porcellus from 10 communities in the district of Chota, Cajamarca, Peru Pajares, Teófilo Severino Torrel; Rojas-Moncada, Juan; Collantes, José Eduardo Estela; Vargas-Rocha, Luis
| | | | · Bibliometric analysis of theses of parasites in terrestrial fauna in the universities of Peru García-Alcalde, Malory; Minaya, David; Ortega, José; Alvariño, Lorena; Iannacone, José
| | | | · Diseases of the ocular system diagnosed in dogs and cats from Havana, Cuba. Period 2014-2020 Hugues, Beatriz; Torres, Miguel
| | | | · Comparison of cytological evaluation using the cytobrush techniques and low volume lavage techniques in Colombian Creole mares diagnosed with endometritis Rodríguez, Renso Sneider Gallego; Jaramillo, Andrés Felipe Ruíz; Buitrago, Jhon Didier Ruíz; Ruíz, Oscar Andrés Sáenz
| | | | · Study of the biota of laboratory rats: characterization of commensal Escherichia coli Vega-Manriquez, Xochitl; Hernández-Fraga, Omar; Pinos-Rodríguez, Juan Manuel; Martínez-Benítez, Cesar; Hernández-Chiñas, Ulises; Eslava-Campos, Carlos
| | | | · Seroprevalence of antibodies against the Infectious Bovine Rinotracheitis virus in extensive cattle herds in three districts of Ayacucho, Peru Vilchez-Tineo, Caroline; Morales-Cauti, Siever
| | | | · Determination of Salmonella enterica in biologically appropriate raw food for dogs (BARF) in Lima, Perú Espinoza-Garate, Kely; Morales-Cauti, Siever
| | | | · Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea, bovine neosporosis, enzootic bovine leukosis and bovine paratuberculosis in dual-purpose cows in conditions of the Colombian tropics Guerrero, Luisa Fernanda Naranjo; Colorado, Nancy Rodríguez; Araque, Jesús Mejía
| | | | · Risk factors associated with zoonotic diseases derived from pig production: A scoping review Pulido-Villamarín, Adriana; Castañeda-Salazar, Rubiela; Márquez-Hernández, Angie; Martínez-Rodríguez, Javier; Martínez-Triana, David; Palencia-Sánchez, Francisco
| | | Communications | | | | · Incisor bone osteosynthesis in a Colombian Creole horse: Case report Ríos, Miguel Angel Bedoya; Celis, Joaquín Gómez; Jerez, Edgar Ricardo Moreno; Cala-Delgado, Daniel Leonardo
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