Editorial |
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| · Road traffic injuries in Peru: Where are we and what next? Miranda, J. Jaime; Huicho, Luis
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Research Papers |
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| · Epidemiological profile of road traffic accidents in Peru, 2005-2009 Choquehuanca-Vilca, Víctor; Cárdenas-García, Fresia; Collazos-Carhuay, Joel; Mendoza-Valladolid, Willington
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| · Self-reporting of road traffic accidents in a national survey of urban population in Peru Wong, Paolo; Gutiérrez, César; Romaní, franco
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| · Coverage of the Emergency Health Care Law and the Compulsory Insurance against Road Traffic Crashes (SOAT) Miranda, J. Jaime; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo; Gianella, Camila; Paca-Palao, Ada; Luna, Diego; Lopez, Luis; Huicho, Luis; Equipo PIAT
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| · Fatigue and sleepiness in interprovincial road bus drivers: comparative study between formality and informality Liendo, Gustavo R.; Castro, Carla L.; Rey de Castro, Jorge
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| · Iodized salt intake in households and iodine nutritional status in women of childbearing age in Peru, 2008 Higa, Ana María; Miranda, Marianella; Campos, Miguel; Sánchez, José R.
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| · Factors associated to complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in a third-level hospital Quispe-Mauricio, Angel; Sierra-Cahuata, Wilmer; Callacondo, David; Torreblanca-Nava, Juan
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| · Evaluation of two immunoblot tests with goat and sheep hydatid antigen for human echinococcosis diagnosis Miranda, Eduardo; Velarde, franko; Somocurcio, José; Ayala, Eduardo
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| · Marine bacteria producing antibacterial compounds Isolated from inter-tidal invertebrates León, Jorge; Liza, Libia; Soto, Isela; Torres, Magali; Orosco, Andrés
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Review |
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| · Effect of levonorgestrel in the ovulation, endometrium, and spermatozoa for emergency oral contraception Suárez, Víctor J.; Zavala, Renzo; Ureta, Juan Manuel; Hijar, Gisely; Lucero, Jorge; Pachas, Paul
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| · Actions and strategies for the prevention and control of road traffic injuries: peruvian experience by levels of prevention Málaga, Hernán
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| · Tiredness and sleepiness in rural bus drivers during their job performance: Peruvian experience and proposals Rey de Castro, Jorge; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo
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Symposium |
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| · Road traffic injuries in developing countries: research and action agenda Min Huang, Cheng; Lunnen, Jeffrey C.; Miranda, J. Jaime; Hyder, Adnan A.
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| · Reducing pedestrian deaths and injuries due to road traffic injuries in Peru: interventions that can work Quistberg, D. Alex; Miranda, J. Jaime; Ebel, Beth
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| · Supervising road safety in Peru Sagástegui, Freddy
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| · Sleep monitoring in bus and truck drivers: relevant factor to consider for the renewal of the driving license Rey de Castro, Jorge; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo
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| · Psychosocial aspects and accidents in land transport Morales-Soto, Nelson; Alfaro-Basso, Daniel; Gálvez-Rivero, Wilfredo
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Special Section |
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| · Assessment of the structure, dynamics and monitoring of information systems for road traffic injuries in Peru - 2009 Miranda, J. Jaime; Paca-Palao, Ada; Najarro, Lizzete; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo; Luna, Diego; Lopez, Luis; Huicho, Luis; Equipo PIAT
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| · Ethnolinguistic map of Peru Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo de Pueblos Andinos, Amazónicos y Afroperuanos
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Cases Report |
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| · Guillain Barre syndrome in association with Brucellosis Montalvo, Raúl; García, Yury; Ñavincopa, Marcos; Ticona, Eduardo; Chávez, Gonzalo; Moore, David A.
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Great Personalities of Public Health in Peru |
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| · Arturo Vasi Paez (1924-2008) Burstein Alva, Zuño
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Picture Gallery |
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| · Indigenous populations from Peru Salaverry, Oswaldo; Trujillo, Omar V.; Quispe, Roberto; Meneses, Doris; Velásquez, Majed
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Letters to Editor |
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| · Tuberculosis in indigenous Neyra Ramírez, Jose
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| · Latent Tuberculosis: chemoprophylactic coverage of household contacts in Peru Maquera-Afaray, Julio
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| · Reply of the Peruvian National Health Strategy for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Jave, Oswaldo; Llanos-Tejada, Félix
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| · About interculturality Ríos-Correa, Fernando
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| · Undergraduate students: the future of research Osada, Jorge; Ruiz-Grosso, Paulo; Ramos, Mariana
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