| Table of contents Horiz. Med. vol.20 no.3 Lima Jul-Sep 2020 Editorial | | | | · Influenza virus vaccines: a new tool for cardiovascular disease prevention Lizaraso Caparó, Frank; Ruiz-Mori, Enrique
| | | Original articles | | | | · Echocardiographic indices and hospital stay among patients with acute heart failure at the Hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, 2015 Barrantes Alarcón, Ciro
| | | | · Association between type 2 diabetes mellitus and mortality in older adults with cardiovascular disease Huamán Macha, Verónica; Herrera Pandal, Alesandra; Runzer-Colmenares, Fernando M.; Parodi, José F.
| | | | · Entrepreneurial attitude of medical specialists at a hospital in Huancavelica, Peru Lazo Vera, Jorge Omar; Melo Pezo, Xavier Alonso
| | | | · Level of knowledge of tuberculosis among high school students from Lima, Peru, 2019 Norabuena Granda, Marina Alejandra; Moreno Garrido, Zoila Rosa
| | | | · Forecast accuracy of COVID-19 spread dynamics in Peru Córdova Sotomayor, Daniel Angel; Santa María Carlos, Flor Benigna
| | | | · Quality of service and satisfaction among patients who underwent minimally invasive facial cosmetic treatments in a private clinic. Lima-Peru. 2019 Ramos Miranda, Karen Lissette; Podesta Gavilano, Luis Enrique; Ruiz Arias, Raúl Alberto
| | | | · Information on medicinal uses of chuchuhuasi (Maytenus macrocarpa) from folk healers of the district of Santa María de Huachipa, Lurigancho, Lima - Peru: a qualitative study Jiménez-Grados, Lyane; Kolevic-Saraza, Niurka; Jara-Huancaya, Ursula; Meléndez-Aquino, José; Jiménez-Cabezudo, Carlos; Salazar-Granara, Alberto
| | | | · Using movies as a tool in the teaching-learning process in medicine and health sciences PhD programs Lavado Landeo, Lincoln
| | | Original breve | | | | · Scientific publications and characteristics of health theses from universities of the department of Puno, Peru Mamani-Benito, Oscar Javier; Ramos Vilca, Glubert; Rodrigo Ccaso, Dawer Joe; Quispe Mayta, Fernando; Chipana Paye, Neyda Silene
| | | Review articles | | | | · Definitions, diagnostic criteria and terminality assessment of cancer and non- cancer chronic diseases Amado, José; Oscanoa, Teodoro
| | | | · Relationship between obesity and periodontal disease: a literature review Girano Castaños, Jorge; Robello Malatto, José
| | | Clinical cases | | | | · Recurrent inguinoscrotal hernia with megaureter: a case report Muñoz Murillo, Willfrant; Lozada Martinez, Ivan David; Bolaño Romero, Maria Paz; Suarez Causado, Amileth; Ospina Pérez, Christian German; Mirando Fontalvo, Asdrubal
| | | | · Acute re-entry high-altitude pulmonary edema Viruez Soto, José Antonio; Tinoco Solórzano, Amilcar
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