Editorial |
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| · Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Félix Hinojosa, Efraín C.
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Original articles |
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| · Morbidity and mortality of patients with acute respiratory failure undergoing non-invasive mechanical ventilation in the Adult Intensive Care Unit in Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, 2007-2008 Meza García, Mónica; Cornejo Valdivia, Carla; Zegarra Piérola, Jaime; Porras García, Willy; Díaz Guadalupe, Alfredo; Valdivia Núñez, Enrique; Hernández Sánchez, Antonio
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| · A study of anatomical variants of the facial artery and their use in facial flap surgery Rossell-Perry, Percy; Mondragón Arrascue, Héctor
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| · HELLP syndrome in Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen: Clinical presentation and complications of an obstetric emergency Vicetti Miguel, Claudia Pamela; Franco Escobar, David Lenin; Caballero Vera, Héctor Gerardo
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| · A profile of patients attending the medicine service in a public hospital Contreras Camarena, Carlos Walter; Galarza Manyari, Carlos Alberto
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| · Metabolic syndrome in Trujillo adults according to different definitions Galarreta Aima, Carolina Isabel; Donet Mostacero, Jean Al; Huamán Saavedra, Juan Jorge
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| · Intraabdominal pressure in acute pancreatitis Lizárraga Mendoza, Karlo; Valdivia Tejada, Duilio
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| · Perception of health-related quality of life in elderly subjects living in Chiclayo Coronado Gálvez, Juan Mavhier; Díaz Vélez, Cristian; Apolaya Segura, Moisés Alexander; Manrique González, Luis Miguel; Arequipa Benavides, Juan Pablo
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Case report |
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| · Brunners gland adenoma: Report of a case and literature review Castillo Contreras, Ofelia; Ruíz Barahona, Edwin; Yabar Berrocal, Alejandro; Frisancho Velarde, Oscar
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Short communication |
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| · Presence of pathogenic bacteria in the estuary of Surco River and La Chira beach, Lima, Peru, June 2009 Osores Plenge, Fernando; Roca Reyes, Juan Carlos; Rosas Ramos, William; Domínguez, Nicanor
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Review Article |
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| · New antituberculous drug Bayona García, Jaime
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| · Management of acute exacerbations of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease Gayoso Cervantes, Oscar
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| · Lung rehabilitation in stable chronic pulmonary obstructive disease Portugal Vivanco, José
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| · Management of stable chronic pulmonary obstructive disease Jáuregui Antúnez, Javier
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Opinion Piece |
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| · Primary healthcare as a strategy for well being in the elderly Parodi G., José Francisco
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Historic Article |
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| · A biographical sketch of Dr. Hernan Miranda-Cueto Salazar Zuloeta, Jaime Ysrael; Maguiña Vargas, Ciro
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