| Table of contents Acta méd. Peru vol.33 no.4 Lima Oct./dic. 2016 Editorial | | | | · 2016 National Prize for Medical Research Calvo Quiroz, Armando; Maguiña Vargas, Ciro
| | | 0 | | | | · Opinion of medical students about the legalization of abortion after rape, and its associated factors. Peru, 2015
| | | | | | | | · Burnout syndrome in medical students: frequency, characteristics and associated factors Vilchez-Cornejo, Jennifer; Huamán-Gutiérrez, Roberto; Arce-Villalobos, Laura; Morán-Mariños, Cristian; Mihashiro-Maguiña, Kenyi; Melo-Mallma, Niel; Eyzaguirre-Villagarcia, Jorge; Rojas-Valle, Carlos
| | | | · Factors for cardiovascular risk and endothelial dysfunction in adults living at high altitude Díaz, Anibal
| | | | · Prevalence of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, chronic renal disease and obesity in an urban population of the districts of Carabayllo, Comas and Independencia in the years 2014 and 2015 Cieza Zevallos, Javier Antonio; Rosas Pimentel, María Isabel
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