| Table of contents Acta méd. Peru vol.36 no.1 Lima Jan./Mar. 2019 Editorial | | | | · It will be mandatory to pass the National Medicine Board Examination for becoming a practicing physician in Peru Morán-Ortiz, Jaime; Cabani-Ravello, Liliana
| | | Original articles | | | | · Association between nutritional status determined using body mass index and cognitive impairment in elderly adults attending at Centro Medico Naval del Peru, 2010-2015 Bazalar-Silva, Lorena; Runzer-Colmenares, Fernando M; Parodi, José F
| | | | · Implementation of a breast surveillance unit for diagnosing breast cancer in a micro-network from a Social Security facility in Lima-Peru Figueroa-Montes, Luis E; Chávez-Altamirano, Nicolás Eduardo; García-Espinoza, Giancarlo
| | | | · Tendencias en el número de médicos titulados anualmente en el Perú, 2007-2016 Ichiro Peralta, C; Garcia-Solorzano, Franko; Zafra-Tanaka, Jessica H; Huapaya-Huertas, Oscar S; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro
| | | | · Depressive disorders in elderly adults from eleven Andean communities in Peru, 2013-2017 Saenz-Miguel, Saulo; Runzer-Colmenares, Fernando M; Parodi, José F
| | | | · Fibromyalgia, its progression and quality of life in a tertiary care hospital in Lima-Peru Monroy-Hidalgo, Alexander; Méndez-Dávila, Beatriz A; Diestro-Jara, Gerardo L; Ruiz, Eloy F; Málaga, Germán
| | | | · Knowledge, perceptions, and practices related to HIV/ AIDS in adolescents from a district in Lambayeque-Peru, 2015 Baca-Sánchez, Juan; Hidalgo-Palacios, Claudia; León-Jiménez, Franco; Malca-Tello, Nancy
| | | | · Peruvian Social Security (EsSalud) 2018 Clinical Practice Guidelines for prevention and management of preterm births Yanque-Robles, Omar; Zafra-Tanaka, Jessica H; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro; Arroyo-Campuzano, Jorge E; Rosales-Cerrillo, César H; Mucha, Jorge; Alegria Guerrero, Raúl C; Zegarra, Martina; Ramírez-Linares, Marisol O; Lino-Salazar, Ana C; Moreno, Pablo; Ramos-Espinoza, Daniel S; Caballero-Noriega, Manuel A; Chumbipuma-Salsavilca, Gastón C; Otero, Larissa; Guerra-García, Alberto; Becerra-Chauca, Naysha; Salvador-Salvador, Stefany; Timaná-Ruiz, Raúl
| | | | · Peer mentoring in pregraduate medical education as a tool for improving the learning proccess and satisfy new generation requirements Ortega-Miranda, Edali G
| | | Case report | | | | · Atypical presentation for bacterial meningitis in an elderly woman: report of a case Ramírez-Calderón, Fanny; Sotelo-Jiménez, Pedro; Rodriguez-Malaver, Carlos
| | | | · Giant gastric lipoma in an elderly patient with digestive obstruction symptoms: First case report in Peru Zamora, Pedro L; Portanova, Michel; Ferrer, Milagros de Jesús; Silva, Jeysson H
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Breast cancer in elderly women: analysis of the population-based Cancer Registry in Lima City Luna-Abanto, Jorge
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