Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · National identity and the appreciation of history in a sample of public school teachers of the city of lima Rottenbacher de Rojas, Jan Marc
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| · A non parametric item analysis of the bender gestalt test modified for primary students Merino Soto, César
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| · Qualitative approach to violence against women in a community of villa el salvador Nóblega Mayorga, Magaly; Muñoz Valera, Paola Virginia
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| · Norms, practices and beliefs about child rearing... yesterday and today Izzedin Bouquet, Romina; Pachajoa Londoño, Alejandro
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| · Comparative validation between two tests on moral judgement competence Robles Francia, Víctor
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| · Happiness, resilience and optimism in students of national schools in the city of Lima Salgado Lévano, Ana Cecilia
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| · From the mind to the cell: the impact of stress on psiconeuroimmunoendocrinology S. Moscoso, Manolete
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| · Variables intervening in resistant personality and management strategies in aged people Hernández Zamora, Zoila Edith
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| · Social responsibility: A view from community psychology Mori Sanchez, Maria del Pilar
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| · Sexual practices, hiv/aids knowledge and attitudes about loving relationship and prevention among adults with more than 50 years of the south of brazil Vizeu Camargo, Brigido; Torres, Tatiana de Lucena; Biasus, Felipe
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